Campaign Goals

1. To channel concern about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict towards effective action, moving beyond counterproductive rhetoric

2. To educate the campus regarding the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and on-the-ground efforts to make positive change

3. To inspire Stanford students to support on-the-ground efforts in the region to make positive change and work towards peace

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lending For Peace

A Palestinian microfinance organization set up by students like us, LFP is a not-for-profit platform that allows individuals like us to make small loans to specific micro-entrepreneurs in the Palestinian Territories. Founded by two Jews and two Palestinians, (“LFP”) enables people around the world to participate in making a loan directly to a vetted micro-entrepreneur in the West Bank. LFP works with US government-approved microfinance institutions on the ground to deliver your capital along with training and guidance to low-income individuals who are interested in starting or expanding their own small businesses. Your loan is repaid over a set period of time as your micro-entrepreneur builds economic self-sufficiency and a stake in peace. LFP was created to enable people of all faiths and backgrounds to make a tangible difference in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

According to the founders: “There are many things about which we disagree but despite our differences, we recognize that there is no winner in poverty. We believe that there will be no peace if there is not a sustainable improvement in the Palestinian standard of living and we believe that microfinance holds the promise to contribute to this change. It is this belief that has driven us to work together, as Israelis and Palestinians, as Jews, Muslims and Christians, to make a small but worthwhile contribution to the land that we all love.”

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Invest for Peace is the initiative of the Stanford Israel Alliance. If you have any questions please contact us at