Campaign Goals

1. To channel concern about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict towards effective action, moving beyond counterproductive rhetoric

2. To educate the campus regarding the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and on-the-ground efforts to make positive change

3. To inspire Stanford students to support on-the-ground efforts in the region to make positive change and work towards peace

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Peres Institute For Peace

Founded in 1996 by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mr. Shimon Peres, the Peres Center for Peace is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental organization that brings together people from various populations in the Middle East region to work together to build peace through socio-economic cooperation and development, and people-to-people interaction.

Through extensive communication and interaction between Israeli and Arab partners, the Peres Center has come to understand that sustainable peace and stability can only be developed in the Middle East region through the elevation of social and economic capacities. Accordingly, the peacebuilding activities of the Peres Center focus on common Arab and Israeli social, economic, developmental, cultural and educational interests, with an emphasis on nurturing Palestinian-Israeli relations. The Peres Center designs and facilitates tangible peacebuilding projects that address these interests, utilizing cross-border, regional and international partnerships to bring these initiatives to fruition.

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